I have to write down all the factors in

my early life that have influenced the
way I developed. Then I have to use those factors in an essay. What factors
besides hereditary factors and enviromental factors, can I list?

Can you suggest maybe a way to begin my essay?


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you could start:
I was made with eyes, hair and so forth.

And i have to use my vocab words

When discussing the factors that have influenced your development, in addition to hereditary and environmental factors, there are a few other factors you can consider listing. These factors include:

1. Cultural factors: This includes your family's cultural background, traditions, values, and beliefs. These aspects can shape your identity, beliefs, and perspectives on life.

2. Socioeconomic factors: Your family's financial status and social class can impact the resources available to you and the opportunities you are exposed to throughout your early life.

3. Educational factors: The quality of education you received, the schools you attended, and the support you received within the educational system can greatly influence your intellectual and cognitive development.

4. Peer and social factors: The influence of your friends, peers, and social networks can shape your behavior, choices, and attitudes. Peer pressure, friendships, and social interactions can have a significant impact on your personality development.

5. Personal experiences and events: Significant life events, such as the illness or loss of a family member, moving to a new place, or involvement in extracurricular activities, can play a role in shaping your character, strengths, and weaknesses.

Now, let's think about how you can start your essay. Since you mentioned having to use your vocabulary words, you could begin your essay by incorporating some of the vocab words related to the factors that have influenced your development. Here's an example:

"In contemplating the factors that have shaped my early life, it becomes evident that I am not simply a product of genes and environment. While hereditary and environmental factors undeniably play a crucial role in my development, there are other influencing forces that deserve recognition. Cultivation of my cultural heritage, socioeconomic circumstances, educational experiences, social interactions, and personal events have all contributed to the intricate tapestry of who I have become."

Remember to expand on each of these factors throughout your essay, providing specific examples and illustrations to demonstrate their impact on your development. Good luck with your essay!