find the outlier of each set of data describe how the outlier affects the mean. just want to double check on 2 problems that we did

the outlier is 0
the mean with the outlier 0
is: -13.33

the mean without the outlier 0
is: -16
is this correct?

next one:

for this i added positive got: 12
i added negative and got: -22
do i do 12 - 22
and get 10
10/8 = 1 2/10 = 1 1/5?? not sure on this one

Your first answers are right.

What is the outlier for the second one?

the outlier is -16 for question 2


-10/8 = -1.2

Eliminating -16, the median is ?

eliminating -16 would be

12 -6 = 6 for the mean


eliminating the -16 would be -6

= -6

so 12 - 6 = 6 as mean w/o -16 outlier


,857 is the mean

i messed up
12 + -6 = 6
6 /7
= .857
i forgot a step thanks again and again
.857 is the mean without outlier -16

You're welcome.

To find the outlier in a set of data, you need to first calculate the mean (average) of the data. Then, identify any data points that are significantly different from the rest of the dataset. These points are considered to be outliers.

Let's go through the first set of data:
-15, -12, -19, 0, -20, -14

1. Calculate the mean:
Sum of all data points = -15 + (-12) + (-19) + 0 + (-20) + (-14) = -80
Number of data points = 6
Mean = -80 / 6 = -13.33

2. Identify the outlier:
In this case, the outlier is 0 since it is significantly different from the rest of the dataset.

3. Understand the effect of the outlier on the mean:
When we include the outlier in the calculation of the mean, the mean becomes -13.33. This is because the outlier, 0, has a value that is relatively close to the mean, resulting in a small impact on the overall average.

However, when we exclude the outlier from the calculation of the mean, the mean becomes -16. This is because the outlier, 0, is an extreme value that lowers the average of the rest of the dataset.

So, yes, your calculations are correct for the first set of data.

Now, let's move on to the second set of data:
4, -1, -16, 2, 0, -3, 6, -2

1. Calculate the mean:
Sum of all data points = 4 + (-1) + (-16) + 2 + 0 + (-3) + 6 + (-2) = -10
Number of data points = 8
Mean = -10 / 8 = -1.25

2. Identify the outlier:
In this case, there is no single data point that significantly differs from the rest of the dataset. Hence, there is no outlier.

Therefore, no further calculations are necessary.

I hope this clears up your understanding of finding outliers and their impact on the mean! Let me know if you have any further questions.