How many supporting details should you develop to back up your thesis?

A. Four
D.As many as you want
I got A. But now im thinkiing its C But ima stay with my first answer which is A.
What do you think?

I suspect that A is not the right answer.

Time to really study your book!!

Please do not try to take an exam when you haven't read the material!

Oh ive been reading the materias. Is it c?

Choosing the correct number of supporting details to back up your thesis depends on the specific requirements of your assignment and the depth of analysis you want to provide. However, it is generally recommended to develop at least three supporting details to strengthen your thesis. Option C, which is three, seems like a reasonable choice. These supporting details should be relevant, specific, and well-explained to provide convincing arguments and evidence for your thesis statement.

While it's important to trust your instincts, it's also essential to consider the requirements and guidelines of your assignment or the expectations of your instructor. Make sure to reread the instructions and check for any specific guidelines regarding the number of supporting details required.

Additionally, when in doubt, it's a good idea to consult with your instructor or peers for further clarification and guidance. They can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed choice.