I got a 85 on my exam that's good yay!

i could of got higher but still good

Did you post all of the questions for your exam here?

Ciara -- exams are supposed to test what you KNOW. As a home-schooled student, you're expected to study your materials and LEARN.

We're glad to help you. But after this, I'll only respond once to your questions. I'll tell you if your first answer is right or wrong. Beyond that, I feel that we'd be cheating.

Congratulations on your exam score! An 85 is definitely a good result. If you feel like you could have done better, here are a few steps you can take to potentially improve your performance in the future:

1. Review your mistakes: Look over the questions you missed and try to understand why you got them wrong. This will help you identify areas where you may need to improve your knowledge or study techniques.

2. Analyze your study methods: Reflect on how you prepared for the exam. Did you allocate enough time for each subject? Were your study materials effective? Consider adjusting your study routine if necessary.

3. Seek feedback: If possible, talk to your teacher or professor about your performance. They might be able to provide insights on how you can further excel in the subject.

4. Set goals: Identify specific areas you want to improve on and set goals for yourself. This will help you stay focused and motivated to do better next time.

Remember, it's important to celebrate your achievements and acknowledge the progress you've made. Keep up the good work and strive for continued improvement in your academic pursuits!

Yay! Good for you!

Next time shoot for a higher grade. :-)

No not all. but everything that i post over here most of them i had all right the onece that i didn't post wasn't right i only got 3 wrong i new one was wrong i was gonna ask but i was like forget it i think im right but i wasnt:( ill get a higher grade on lesson 3 i already started so ima start to post questions for lesson 3 ill try to reach for a higher grade :)

no you havnt been cheating you don't get me. you never like told me the write answer right i always told you and you would just be like if its corrected or not.