How did Henry the Navigator help more people explore??

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Btw -- patronage means that he paid for many of these voyages.

Henry the Navigator, also known as Prince Henry of Portugal, played a significant role in facilitating exploration during the 15th century. He helped more people explore by promoting and organizing maritime expeditions to explore uncharted territories. Here's an explanation of how he achieved this:

1. Establishment of the Sagres School: Henry founded the Sagres School, a center for navigational studies. Here, he invited cosmographers, cartographers, mathematicians, and navigators to exchange knowledge and develop advanced navigation techniques. This institution was a crucial step in improving maritime exploration.

2. Development of Nautical Instruments: Henry sponsored research and innovation in navigation tools and instruments. Important advancements included the astrolabe, which helped sailors measure the angle of celestial bodies to determine their latitude, and the caravel, a versatile and seaworthy ship design that could handle long voyages.

3. Support for Expeditions: Henry sponsored several maritime expeditions along the West African coast in search of profitable trade routes and new territories. He provided ships, supplies, and financial support to the explorers. These expeditions expanded geographical knowledge and fostered trade opportunities.

4. Navigation Schools: Henry established navigation schools along Portugal's coast to train sailors and navigators. These schools educated captains and crews on various techniques, including map reading, wind patterns, and celestial navigation, making exploration safer and more efficient.

5. Encouragement of Exploration: Henry fueled curiosity and interest in exploration by organizing lectures, promoting the sharing of knowledge, and supporting the production of nautical charts. His enthusiasm resulted in more people engaging in exploration and seeking new discoveries.

In summary, Henry the Navigator supported exploration by founding the Sagres School, developing nautical instruments, sponsoring expeditions, establishing navigation schools, and encouraging a culture of exploration and knowledge sharing. These efforts significantly contributed to expanding geographical understanding and opening up new opportunities for trade and colonization.