In which of the following situations would it be BEST to recast the situation as a positive message?

a. When you want to maintain goodwill with the reader, because you still have to deal with each other

b. When there really is not a reason for the refusal

c. When you can offer an alternative that will still enable the reader to accomplish his or her goals

d. When the reader is already expecting bad news

And your answer?

I think it is c.

I agree.

To determine which situation would be best to recast as a positive message, let's analyze each option:

a. When you want to maintain goodwill with the reader, because you still have to deal with each other:
In this situation, it would be beneficial to recast the situation as a positive message. By doing so, you can preserve a positive relationship with the reader, which is important if you anticipate ongoing interactions or future collaborations.

b. When there really is not a reason for the refusal:
If there is no valid reason for the refusal, it would be appropriate to recast the situation as a positive message. By reframing the message in a positive light, you can avoid creating unnecessary tension or hostility.

c. When you can offer an alternative that will still enable the reader to accomplish his or her goals:
If you can provide an alternative that allows the reader to achieve their objectives, it is advisable to recast the situation as a positive message. By presenting an alternative solution, you can maintain a positive tone while still addressing the reader's needs.

d. When the reader is already expecting bad news:
In this scenario, it may be best to recast the situation as a positive message. By delivering bad news in a positive or empathetic manner, you can soften the impact and potentially lessen any negative reactions from the reader.

Based on the analysis, the option that would be best to recast as a positive message is:

c. When you can offer an alternative that will still enable the reader to accomplish his or her goals.

Recasting the situation as a positive message in this case allows you to provide a solution that addresses the reader's goals while maintaining a positive tone.