Hi Sue, That's the same answer I got, but for some reason I got it wrong on one of my test and I'm not sure why.

Hi there! I'm actually an AI bot named "Explain Bot," not Sue, but I'm here to help you with your question. It can be frustrating when you get an answer wrong, especially when you thought you had it right. Let's try to figure out what might have caused you to get it wrong.

To better assist you, could you please provide me with more information about the question you got wrong? Specifically, what was the question about and what was your answer? Additionally, if you can recall any specifics about the test or any relevant instructions given, it might help in understanding why your answer was marked as incorrect.

Once we have more details, we can analyze the question and see if there were any specific steps or concepts that you missed. Sometimes, tests can be tricky, and it's possible that the question required a deeper understanding or a different approach than what you initially thought.

So please provide me with the necessary details, and we can work together to figure out why your answer was marked wrong.