Hello, I need help with this question I need to come up with 3 teaching practices that foster children's academic achievement and I have no clue of what the teacher is looking for. Thanks

I'm not sure what you mean by "teaching practices," but possibly this will help, even though it is aimed mainly at a college level.


I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Teaching practices that foster children's academic achievement are those things a teacher does in the classroom to improve the student's academic learniing skills. For instance, finding out what the student knows and building on that knowledge to teach new material is an example of a teaching practice.

Check these sites for many more ideas.



To come up with three teaching practices that foster children's academic achievement, you can consider the following steps:

1. Start by understanding the needs and abilities of the students: Effective teaching practices begin with assessing the needs and abilities of the students. This involves understanding their prior knowledge, learning styles, and any specific challenges they may face. By getting to know your students at an individual level, you can tailor your teaching methods to meet their unique needs.

2. Create a positive and inclusive learning environment: A conducive and supportive classroom environment is essential for promoting academic achievement. Encourage active participation, collaboration, and respect among students. Foster a sense of community and create opportunities for students to engage in open discussions, ask questions, and express their ideas. This helps to create an inclusive and supportive environment where all students feel valued and motivated to learn.

3. Implement differentiated instruction strategies: Differentiated instruction is a teaching practice that acknowledges and accommodates diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests. It involves adjusting and tailoring instructional methods, materials, and assessments to meet the individual needs of each student. By providing multiple pathways to learning, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities, you can increase student engagement and improve academic achievement.

4. Provide timely and constructive feedback: Feedback is a crucial aspect of teaching and learning. Providing timely and specific feedback helps students to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Be descriptive and focus on the process and effort rather than solely on the final result. Encourage students to reflect on their work and set goals for improvement. Regular feedback will enable students to track their progress, reinforce positive behaviors, and make necessary adjustments, leading to improved academic achievement.

To further explore teaching practices that foster children's academic achievement, you can refer to educational websites, research articles, and professional development resources. These sources will provide you with a wide range of evidence-based strategies and best practices to enhance student learning.