square root the nearest integer.



Round it down.

To find the square root of the nearest integer to -85, we first need to identify the nearest integer to -85.

Since -85 is a negative number, the nearest integer to -85 can be either -85 or -86. To determine which is closer, we can compare the distances from -85 to these two integers.

The distance from -85 to -85 is 0, and the distance from -85 to -86 is 1. Since 0 is smaller than 1, -85 is closer to -85 than -86. Therefore, the nearest integer to -85 is -85.

Now that we have determined the nearest integer, we can find its square root. The square root of -85 is not a real number as the square roots of negative numbers are imaginary. So in this case, the square root of the nearest integer (-85) is not defined in the set of real numbers.