What is the indirect object?

When you come back to the table, please bring me the mustard.

please bring me the mustard.

To find the indirect object, first find the direct object.

What will you bring? mustard

The indirect object -- answers to whom or what?

What do you think the indirect object is?

Is it mustard

No. Mustard is the direct object.

Study this site.


Is it me the mustard.

The indirect object is a noun or pronoun that receives the direct object of a sentence. It tells us to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done. In the given sentence, "me" is the indirect object because it is receiving the direct object, which is "the mustard."

To identify the indirect object in a sentence, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the verb: In this case, the verb is "bring."
2. Determine the direct object: The direct object is the noun or pronoun that directly receives the action of the verb. In this sentence, it is "the mustard."
3. Ask "to whom" or "for whom" the action is being done: The answer to this question will be the indirect object. In the given sentence, the answer is "me."

By asking "to whom" or "for whom" after finding the verb and direct object, you can easily identify the indirect object in a sentence.