the crowd that heard the president speak was estimated to eb 10000 people. the acyual crowd could be 750 people more or less than this. What are the possible values for the actual crowd size?

Write and solve a compund inequality that rpresent it and graph the solution.

I think the inequality is 10000<x+750<x-750. I don't kno what else to do. Can you help me?

10,000-750 = 9250, the crowd is bigger than or equal to that

10,000+750 = 10750, the crowd is less than or equal to that
9250 </= x </= 10750

9250 </= x </= 10750 is the answer?

You can check it. Does it satisfy the problem statement?

To represent the possible values for the actual crowd size, we can use a compound inequality. Let's break down the given information step by step to solve this problem.

First, we know that the estimated crowd size is 10,000 people.
Next, we are told that the actual crowd size could be 750 people more (10,000 + 750) or less (10,000 - 750) than the estimated size.

So, the compound inequality can be written as:
10,000 - 750 ≤ x ≤ 10,000 + 750

Let's simplify this inequality:
9,250 ≤ x ≤ 10,750

To graph the solution, we will mark the values on a number line. The variable x represents the crowd size, and it can take any value between 9,250 and 10,750, inclusive.

Here's a rough representation of the number line:

9,250 10,000 10,750

The |___| brackets mark the possible values for the actual crowd size. Any value between 9,250 and 10,750, including both endpoints, satisfies the conditions given in the problem.

Therefore, the possible values for the actual crowd size are between 9,250 and 10,750 people.