Draw a number line. Make sure the following numbers are on your number line: 1,472; 1,560; 1,481.

Then what?

To draw a number line with the given numbers (1,472; 1,560; 1,481), follow these steps:

1. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a horizontal line across the sheet. This line will represent your number line.

2. Choose a suitable scale for your number line. Since the given numbers are relatively close together, you can choose a small scale to fit them all on the same line. For example, you could use increments of 10 or 20.

3. Mark a starting point on the left end of the line. This point will represent the smallest number on your number line.

4. Move to the right on the line based on the chosen scale. For example, if your scale is 10, you would move 10 units to the right for each increment.

5. Place tick marks on the line at regular intervals to represent different numbers. Label these tick marks with the corresponding numbers.

6. Find the given numbers (1,472; 1,560; 1,481) on the number line. Start from the left end and locate the tick mark that represents each number. Label those tick marks with the corresponding numbers.

7. Connect the tick marks with a line to show the number line.

By following these steps, you can draw a number line that includes the given numbers (1,472; 1,560; 1,481).