what is an example of a primary data source?

A. Cost data
B. A marketing information system
C. Company files
D. Website analysis

I was thinking website analysis but, really not sure.

I vote for A as the only primary source.

Thank you

I can't seem to find what cost data is.

An example of a primary data source is "Website analysis" (option D).

To understand why it is the correct answer, let's first understand what primary data sources are. Primary data sources are original or firsthand sources of data that are collected directly from the source. These sources provide data that is specific to the research or analysis being conducted.

In the given options:
A. "Cost data" can be a secondary data source because it may have been collected and compiled by someone else.
B. "A marketing information system" is a tool used to gather, organize, and analyze data, which can include both primary and secondary data.
C. "Company files" refer to existing records, documents, or files within a company, which can also include both primary and secondary data.

Now, let's discuss option D, "Website analysis." This involves analyzing data directly from websites, such as user behavior, traffic patterns, click-through rates, and other website metrics. This data is collected directly from the website itself, making it a primary data source.

Therefore, option D, "Website analysis," is the correct example of a primary data source among the given options.