give three examples of how humans effect geography.

Rivers are dammed, hills are leveled for houses, forests are cleared for fields, cattle destroys native grasses, and makes the land dust bowls,

Sure! Here are three examples of how humans can have an impact on geography:

1. Urbanization: When humans establish and develop cities, it often leads to drastic changes in the geography of the area. Natural landscapes may be modified or even completely transformed to make room for urban infrastructure such as buildings, roads, and transportation systems. This can result in changes to the local climate, water patterns, and land formations.

2. Deforestation: Human activities like cutting down trees for agriculture, logging, or urban development contribute to deforestation. This alters the geography by reducing forest cover and biodiversity in an area. The removal of trees can lead to soil erosion, altered rainfall patterns, and even climate change, which can have long-lasting impacts on the surrounding geography and ecosystems.

3. Dam Construction: Humans construct dams and reservoirs for various purposes, such as generating hydroelectric power, irrigation, or water supply. These water management practices can significantly affect the natural flow of rivers, leading to changes in the geography of the surrounding areas. Dams can reshape river ecosystems, alter sediment deposition, and cause both upstream and downstream changes in the water flow, which in turn impacts the local geography.

To gather more examples of how humans affect geography, you can explore case studies, research articles, or books on human geography, environmental science, or sustainable development. These sources often provide detailed examples and explanations of the various ways in which human activities shape our planet's geography.