"universe" is a term used to describe

a. a politician's constituency
b. the entire group of persons sampled in a given poll
c. the entire group of persons whose opinions a poll seeks to measure
d. the group that supports the activities of an interest group

i think its a

It is the whole group of people yo wish to take your sample from. For example for a political poll in a state, you might want your universe to be registered voters in the state and you might draw your samples from that universe.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

a. "Universe" is not typically used to describe a politician's constituency. The term usually refers to a larger, more diverse entity.

b. "Universe" is not used to describe the entire group of persons sampled in a given poll. While pollsters may use the term "sample" to describe the group they survey, the term "universe" represents a broader population being studied.

c. The term "universe" is commonly used to describe the entire group of persons whose opinions a poll seeks to measure. This choice aligns with the commonly accepted definition of the term when it comes to polling.

d. "Universe" does not typically refer to the group that supports the activities of an interest group. This option does not fit the common usage of the term.

Hence, based on the given options, the correct answer is c. the entire group of persons whose opinions a poll seeks to measure.