A ten-pin bowling ball has a volume of about 5274 cm3. A candlepin (8) bowling ball has a volume of about 48 in3. About how much greater is the volume

of a ten-pin bowling ball than the volume of a candlepin bowling ball?

5274/48 = ?

To find the difference in volume between a ten-pin bowling ball and a candlepin bowling ball, we need to convert the volumes to the same unit of measurement.

Volume of a ten-pin bowling ball = 5274 cm³
Volume of a candlepin bowling ball = 48 in³

Converting cm³ to in³:
1 cm = 0.3937 in
1 cm³ = 0.3937³ in³

So, the volume of a ten-pin bowling ball in in³ is:
Volume of ten-pin ball (in³) = 5274 * 0.3937³

Now, we can find the difference in volume:
Difference in volume = Volume of ten-pin ball (in³) - Volume of candlepin ball (in³)

Calculating the difference in volume will give us the answer.