The question is:

Evaluate the improper integral for a>0.

The integral is:
the integral from 0 to infinity, of e^(-y/a)dy

Can anyone help me solve this? When I try I get 'a', which apparently is incorrect. Thank you!

∫e^(-y/a) dy

= -a(e^(-y/a) from 0 to ∞
= -a/e^(y/a) from 0 to ∞

as y -->∞
a/e^(y/a) ---> 0

so the integral from above
= 0 - (a/e^0) )
= 0 - a/1
= -a

Sure, I can help you with that! To evaluate the improper integral

∫[0,∞] e^(-y/a) dy

we can use a technique called integration by substitution. Let's begin!

Step 1: Make a substitution
Let's introduce a new variable u = y/a and find its derivative du/dy.

Now, du/dy = 1/a.

Step 2: Rewrite the integral
Using the substitution, replace y and dy in the integral:

∫[0,∞] e^(-y/a) dy = ∫[?,?] e^(-u) * (du/dy) dy,

where the limits of integration need to be adjusted to reflect the new variable u.

We need to find the new limits of integration for the variable u. When y = 0, u = 0/a = 0. As y goes to infinity, u goes to infinity as well. Therefore, the new limits of integration will be [0, ∞].

Step 3: Simplify and solve the new integral
Now, let's rewrite the integral using the substitution:

∫[0,∞] e^(-y/a) dy = ∫[0,∞] e^(-u) * (du/dy) dy
= ∫[0,∞] e^(-u) * (1/a) dy
= (1/a) ∫[0,∞] e^(-u) du.

Simplifying further, we have:

∫[0,∞] e^(-y/a) dy = (1/a) ∫[0,∞] e^(-u) du.

Step 4: Evaluate the integral
The integral of e^(-u) with respect to u is a well-known integral.

∫[0,∞] e^(-u) du = -e^(-u) evaluated from 0 to ∞
= -e^(-∞) - (-e^0)
= -0 - (-1)
= 1.

Finally, we can substitute the result back into our expression:

∫[0,∞] e^(-y/a) dy = (1/a) * 1
= 1/a.

Therefore, the value of the improper integral ∫[0,∞] e^(-y/a) dy is 1/a for any positive value of a.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to solve the improper integral. Let me know if you have any further questions!