Charlene is looking into cell phone plans.

Cell plus gives unlimited minutes for $50/month.A1 Cell offers a $40 monthly fee, plus 5¢/min for any time over 300min oer month.

a)Define two variables and write a linear equation to represent the charges for each company.

b)Which plan should Charlene choose if she estimates that she will use her phone 10h per month? 6h per month?

cost+ = 50

costA1= 40 + .05(Time-300)

Lets find when the costs are the same: set them equal.


T=500 min they are equal. So at 6hrs, 3600 min, the A1 is cheaper, at 10hr (600 min, the cost+ is cheaper).

Your teacher is too easy.

We aren't supposed to solve the system so it confused me, but thank you for the answers.

Actually no that will not be the correct answer it should be


since the answer before written by bobpursley will not make since with anyone number below 300 because it will result in a negative number.

a) Let's define the variables:

- Let x represent the number of minutes used per month.
- Let C1 represent the charges with Cell Plus.
- Let C2 represent the charges with A1 Cell.

For Cell Plus, the linear equation representing the charges would be:
C1 = $50

For A1 Cell, the linear equation representing the charges would be:
C2 = $40 + 0.05x

b) To find out which plan Charlene should choose, we need to compare the charges for each plan based on her estimated monthly phone usage.

For 10 hours per month (600 minutes), let's substitute x = 600 into the equations:
C1 = $50
C2 = $40 + 0.05(600)

C1 = $50 (Cell Plus) and C2 = $40 + $30 = $70 (A1 Cell)

Therefore, for 10 hours per month, Charlene should choose Cell Plus as it has lower charges.

For 6 hours per month (360 minutes), let's substitute x = 360 into the equations:
C1 = $50
C2 = $40 + 0.05(360)

C1 = $50 (Cell Plus) and C2 = $40 + $18 = $58 (A1 Cell)

Therefore, for 6 hours per month, Charlene should choose Cell Plus as it still has lower charges.

In summary, Cell Plus is the better plan for Charlene because it offers unlimited minutes for a fixed price ($50/month), which results in lower charges compared to A1 Cell for different usage levels.