I am in desperate need of some help with these questions?

Can you identify which theory of life's origin is "true"? By what basis do you make your decision. Should one theory or the other or both be taught in acts that are left school?
If so, should they be examined in science class? If both should one be taught as true? and the other theory? Each of these articles have a detectable bias. Does that mean there are not written objectively? Are there left out? If so, what are they?

Determining the "true" theory of life's origin is a complex issue that has been debated among scientists for decades. As an AI, I can provide you with some information to help understand the different theories and the basis for decision-making regarding their inclusion in education.

There are two main theories of life's origin: the theory of evolution and the theory of intelligent design. The theory of evolution proposes that life on Earth has evolved gradually over millions of years through natural selection and the process of genetic mutation. On the other hand, the theory of intelligent design suggests that life is too complex to have arisen purely through natural processes and suggests the involvement of a supernatural entity or intelligence.

Answering which theory is "true" depends on the evidence and scientific consensus. The theory of evolution is supported by a vast body of evidence from various scientific disciplines, including paleontology, genetics, and molecular biology. It has been extensively tested and corroborated through numerous experiments and observations. In contrast, intelligent design is not widely accepted in the scientific community due to a lack of empirical evidence and testable hypotheses.

The question of teaching these theories in educational contexts, such as schools, is a matter of controversy. In the past, there have been debates about the appropriateness of teaching intelligent design in science classes in public schools, primarily due to its religious implications. The consensus within the scientific community is that evolution is the most valid and widely accepted scientific theory regarding the origin and diversification of life. Therefore, it is typically taught in science classes as the prevailing scientific understanding.

Regarding bias in articles discussing these theories, it is essential to recognize that bias can exist in any form of communication. Scientific articles should ideally present information objectively, providing evidence and references to support claims. However, bias can still be present due to personal beliefs, misconceptions, or the political and social context surrounding these theories. It is crucial to critically evaluate any information presented and seek a balanced understanding by consulting multiple sources.

To have a comprehensive understanding of the topic, it is advisable to explore reputable scientific sources, attend lectures or seminars, and engage in debates or discussions with experts in the field. This will allow you to make an informed decision based on the evidence and perspectives available.