a cyclist rides a bicycle at an average speed 24 miles per hour. If she wants to bike 195km, how long (in hours) must she ride.

To find out how long the cyclist must ride, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

First, we need to convert the distance from kilometers to miles, since the speed is given in miles per hour.

1 kilometer is approximately 0.621371 miles.

So, the distance in miles would be:

Distance (in miles) = 195 km * 0.621371 miles/km

Next, we can plug the values into the formula to calculate the time:

Time = Distance (in miles) / Speed

Time = (195 km * 0.621371 miles/km) / 24 miles per hour

Simplifying the equation:

Time = 12.4278 miles / 24 miles per hour

Time ≈ 0.5186 hours

Therefore, the cyclist must ride for approximately 0.5186 hours (or 31.116 minutes) to cover a distance of 195 km at an average speed of 24 miles per hour.

An aluminum engine block has a volume of 4.77 and a mass of 12.88 .

2.7 per cubic meter squared

an aluminum engine block has a volume of 4.77 L and mass of 12.88 kg. whate is the density of aluminum in g/cm 3

distance = rate x time.