Can ayou nswer this? Good luck!!!!!!!!!.

Horses are $10, pigs are $3 and rabbits are $0.50. A farmer buys 100 animals for $100, How many of (each ) animal did he buy? Hint: there are 2 answers
No less than 1 animal each, and no more than 6 horses.Thank You

Here's Bobpursley's answer from earlier today.


set them equal.
here is one answer:


To solve this problem, we can use a combination of logical reasoning and basic algebra. Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Let's assume the number of horses the farmer bought is "h," the number of pigs is "p," and the number of rabbits is "r."
- We want to find the values of h, p, and r.

2. According to the information given, the farmer bought a total of 100 animals.
- Therefore, we can write the equation: h + p + r = 100

3. We also know the prices of each animal:
- The price of one horse is $10, so the total cost of horses is 10h.
- The price of one pig is $3, so the total cost of pigs is 3p.
- The price of one rabbit is $0.50, so the total cost of rabbits is 0.50r.
- The total amount spent by the farmer is $100, so we can write the equation: 10h + 3p + 0.50r = 100

4. The problem provides additional constraints:
- No more than six horses, so h ≤ 6.
- At least one animal of each type, so h, p, and r ≥ 1.

Now, we can solve the problem using various methods, such as trial and error or substitution.

Let's start by using trial and error:

- Use h = 1 and calculate the values of p and r using the two equations.
- 10(1) + 3p + 0.50r = 100 (Equation 1)
- p + r = 99 (Equation 2)
We can try different values of p and r that satisfy these equations simultaneously.

- Note that there are two possible answers, so we need to continue the process with h = 2, h = 3, and so on, until we find all the valid answers.

Using this method, we can find all the combinations of numbers that satisfy the equations and constraints.