Even though the art in the Renaissance and Baroque periods was not totally religiously oriented as had been the case before 1400, there was still much artistic effort put forth toward the creation of beautiful religious pieces. Explain why this influence continued through these periods and discuss at least three specific representations of artistic endeavors that reflect the continued but changing influence of religion on art.

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During the Renaissance and Baroque periods, religion continued to play a significant role in society, and as a result, it continued to influence art. Though the art of these periods was not solely focused on religious subjects as it had been before 1400, religious themes and motifs continued to be prominent in artistic endeavors. This was due to a variety of factors, including the ongoing influence of the Catholic Church, the patronage of religious institutions and individuals, and the artists' own personal beliefs and convictions.

When discussing specific representations of artistic endeavors that reflect the continued but changing influence of religion on art during the Renaissance and Baroque periods, there are several prominent examples:

1. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci: Painted during the High Renaissance, this iconic artwork depicts the biblical scene of Jesus Christ's final meal with his disciples. While religious in theme, da Vinci also sought to capture the emotional and psychological aspects of the event, giving the painting a humanistic touch. It showcases the skillful use of perspective, composition, and the artist's meticulous attention to detail.

To find more information about this artwork, you can search for "The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci" or visit art history websites, museums, or books that focus on Renaissance art. Look for reliable sources such as museums' official websites or scholarly articles to gather accurate and comprehensive information.

2. The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini: This sculptural masterpiece from the Baroque period depicts Saint Teresa of Avila in a state of spiritual ecstasy, an experience she claimed to have. It exemplifies the intense emotion, dramatic movement, and theatricality characteristic of Baroque art. The sculpture is highly sensual and embellished with intricate details, including swirling drapery and angelic figures. It showcases the merging of religious and artistic expression during the period.

To learn more about this artwork, search for "The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini" or refer to books, websites, or even virtual tours offered by museums specializing in Baroque art.

3. The Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo: This monumental fresco painted in the early 16th century is one of the most famous works of art in the world. It depicts various scenes from the Bible, including the Creation of Adam and the Fall of Man. While encompassing complex religious narratives, Michelangelo's artistic genius is evident in his skillful use of color, composition, and anatomical accuracy. This artwork highlights the enduring influence of religion on art, as well as the artist's pursuit of expressing divine subjects in a visually captivating manner.

To delve deeper into the Sistine Chapel ceiling, search for "Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo" on reputable art history websites or consider exploring books that specialize in the artist or the Renaissance period. Additionally, many museums have detailed online resources that provide in-depth information about this masterpiece.

Overall, these examples demonstrate the continued but evolving influence of religion on art during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. By exploring the specific artworks mentioned and conducting further research, you can gain a deeper understanding of how religious themes and motifs remained resonant in the artistic endeavors of these periods.