Graph the equation by plotting points


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To graph the equation 42 - 6y = 0, we first need to solve it for y to find its solution.

Step 1: Start with the equation:
42 - 6y = 0

Step 2: Subtract 42 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term with y:
-6y = -42

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by -6 to solve for y:
y = (-42) / (-6)
y = 7

Now we have the value of y, which is 7. To graph this equation, we need to plot points on a coordinate plane.

Step 4: Choose a set of x-values to substitute into the equation and find the corresponding y-values to plot the points. Let's choose x-values of -5, 0, and 5.

Substituting x = -5:
y = 7

So the first point is (-5, 7).

Substituting x = 0:
y = 7

The second point is (0, 7).

Substituting x = 5:
y = 7

The third point is (5, 7).

Step 5: Plot the three points (-5, 7), (0, 7), and (5, 7) on the coordinate plane.

Step 6: Draw a straight line passing through all three points. This line represents the graph of the equation 42 - 6y = 0.

The graph of the equation 42 - 6y = 0 is a horizontal line at y = 7.