According to Max Weber, rational motives are easy to understand and predict because ends and means can be calculated and behavior changed on the basis of experience.


I think

To determine the correct answer to this question, it is helpful to understand the concept of rational motives according to Max Weber, a prominent sociologist and philosopher.

Max Weber introduced the idea of "ideal types" to describe different types of social action and behavior. Rational motives are one of these ideal types, along with traditional and affectual motives. Rational motives refer to actions driven by the calculation of means and ends. In other words, individuals with rational motives focus on achieving their goals in the most efficient and logical way possible by calculating the most effective means to reach their desired ends.

Based on this understanding, we can now consider the statement: "According to Max Weber, rational motives are easy to understand and predict because ends and means can be calculated, and behavior changed on the basis of experience."

The statement implies that Weber believes rational motives are easy to understand and predict. However, it is important to note that Weber did not argue that rational motives are necessarily easy to understand and predict. Instead, he suggested that rational motives may seem more predictable and calculable compared to other types of motives, such as traditional or affectual motives.

Despite this, Weber did not claim that rational motives can always be fully understood and predicted with absolute certainty. Human behavior is complex and influenced by numerous factors, making it challenging to predict accurately. Therefore, considering all these points, the statement is not entirely accurate.

Hence, the correct answer to the question is "False."