The US fuel consumption for a car with a fuel-tank capacity of 65.0L is 28.0 miles per US gallon. The density of gasoline is 0.740g/cm^3. How long a trip, in kilometers, can be made on a full tank of gasoline? (Use the conversion factor 1L/1.06qt.)

To find out how long a trip can be made on a full tank of gasoline, we need to use the information provided and a series of conversions.

Step 1: Convert the fuel tank capacity from liters to quarts.
Given: 1L = 1.06qt
Formula: Quarts = Liters * (1L/1.06qt)

65.0L * (1L/1.06qt) = 61.32qt

The fuel tank capacity is approximately 61.32 quarts.

Step 2: Convert the fuel tank capacity from quarts to gallons.
Given: 1 gallon = 4 quarts
Formula: Gallons = Quarts/4

61.32qt / 4 = 15.33 gallons

The fuel tank capacity is approximately 15.33 US gallons.

Step 3: Calculate the total distance on a full tank of gasoline.
Given: Fuel consumption = 28.0 miles per US gallon
Formula: Distance = Fuel consumption * Fuel tank capacity

Distance = 28.0 miles/gallon * 15.33 gallons

Distance = 429.24 miles

On a full tank of gasoline, a trip can be made for approximately 429.24 miles.

Step 4: Convert the distance from miles to kilometers.
Given: 1 mile = 1.609 kilometers
Formula: Distance in kilometers = Distance in miles * 1.609 km/mile

Distance in kilometers = 429.24 miles * 1.609 km/mile

Distance in kilometers = 690.63 kilometers

Therefore, on a full tank of gasoline, a trip can be made for approximately 690.63 kilometers.