The people of Africa vary greatly across the continent. Thousands of different ethnic groups occupy this vast continent. In two or three well-developed paragraphs, suggest two ways in which ethnic groups can differ from one another besides language

Thousands of different ethnic groups occupy the continent of Africa. However, they all vary from one another in ways other than language. Religion is a big difference between all of the groups. For example, the Bemba tribe has their own conventional religion. They believe in a higher god named Leza, who lives in the sky who has control of things like thunder. However, the Berber tribe is traditionally Muslim.
Another way that the thousands of ethnic groups differ is their economy. Different tribes do things such as making jewelry, tending to livestock, or working in flourmills. The largest ethnic group in Africa, the Zulu, is well known for making beautifully bright colored beads. However, they also work on farms and some do domestic work in cities. Unlike the Zulu, the Maasai have to rely on raising cattle and also growing crops.

Does this sound ok?

Looks good! :-)

Awesome, thanks Ms.Sue!

You're welcome, Chandler.

Yes, your response is a good start to discussing two ways in which ethnic groups in Africa can differ besides language. You have mentioned religion and economy as two key factors that contribute to the diversity among ethnic groups in Africa. However, you can further develop your paragraphs by providing specific examples and more details about each point.

For example, you can provide specific examples of ethnic groups with different religious beliefs, such as the Bemba tribe with their traditional religion and the Berber tribe who are traditionally Muslim. Additionally, you can mention how these religious beliefs influence their customs, rituals, and social structures.

Similarly, you can expand on the economic differences among ethnic groups by providing more specific examples of tribes engaged in different economic activities, like the Zulu people known for their beadwork and also working on farms or the Maasai who rely on cattle herding and agriculture. You can also discuss how these economic activities shape their lifestyles, roles within the community, and relationships with neighboring groups.

By providing more specific examples and elaborating on each point, you will enhance your paragraphs and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the diversity among ethnic groups in Africa.