For example, let's say you had a beautiful clock that was always one minute late. It was too beautiful to throw away, so you decided to keep it. How slow/late would this clock be behind of all the other clocks in total for 1 year? 2 years?

I got 365 minutes late for a year. And 730 for 2 years. Am I right? :I

But you said it's always one minute late.

It'll be one minute late forever.

Well, yes that's right too, Ms. Sue. I'm just making sure if I was right. Well, to be exact, I don't understand it myself. If it's one minute late forever, then it would make a difference/change on the pattern every year. Right?

It wouldn't make a difference at all. If it's always one minute late, then a year or five or 100 years won't make any difference.

Are you sure it doesn't lose a minute each day?

Okay, I'm starting to understand it a bit now. But yes, I am sure it is later/slower a minute every day. Unchanging, sorry for not including that. But I think the answer would be very different if it lost a minute each day. Thank you. :)

Maybe it gains 1 minute a day.

I don't think the problem says anything like that. Or if it did, I'll have to go check again. But thank you for the help. :D

You're welcome.

draw an array to show each product.then write the product.3x15

To calculate how slow/late the clock will be in total for 1 year, you need to consider that it is always one minute behind. Since there are 365 days in a year, the clock will be one minute late each day. Therefore, the clock will be 365 minutes late after 1 year.

Similarly, for 2 years, you can multiply the number of minutes late in one year by 2. So, 365 minutes * 2 years = 730 minutes. Therefore, you are correct in saying that the clock will be 730 minutes late after 2 years.