Jason makes two pictures. Picture 1 is made with the help of a pencil and picture 2 is made with the help of a pencil, compass, and protractor

Which statement best compares the two
A:Picture 1 is a drawing because it does not use measuring tools and Picture 2 is a sketch because it relies on the use of measuring tools.
B:Picture 1 is a construction because it does not use measuring tools and Picture 2 is a drawing because it shows accurate measurements.
C:Picture 1 is a construction because it is made freehand and Picture 2 is a sketch because it uses geometric tools to show accurate measurements.
D:Picture 1 is a sketch because it is made freehand and Picture 2 is a construction because it uses geometric tools to show accurate measurements.

To answer the question, we need to understand the difference between a drawing, a sketch, and a construction.

A drawing is typically a freehand representation of an object or scene. It does not necessarily rely on precise measurements or the use of any specific tools.

A sketch, on the other hand, is a rough or preliminary drawing that may or may not be freehand. It is often used to capture an idea or concept quickly and is generally not concerned with accurate measurements.

A construction, however, involves the use of specific tools and techniques to create a more precise and accurate representation of an object or scene. This can include the use of measuring tools such as compasses and protractors to ensure accuracy in the construction process.

Given this information, let's now analyze the two pictures made by Jason.

Picture 1 is made with the help of a pencil, but it does not mention the use of any measuring tools. This suggests that it is likely a freehand drawing without precise measurements.

Picture 2, on the other hand, is made with the help of a pencil, compass, and protractor. These tools indicate that there is a greater emphasis on accuracy and measurement in this picture.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the statement that best compares the two pictures is:

D: Picture 1 is a sketch because it is made freehand and Picture 2 is a construction because it uses geometric tools to show accurate measurements.

Therefore, Picture 1 is a sketch because it is a freehand drawing without precise measurements, and Picture 2 is a construction because it utilizes geometric tools to ensure accurate measurements are represented.