Can anyone find any poetic devices in this poem?

(metaphors, similes, personification, etc)


Once upon a time
A poor man
Named Marcus
Sat all day
Hoping for food
Outside a kitchen door
At night he would think
Of the golden sands
Where he used to walk
Before the days of his captivity
Or of books he read
Tales of gods
And heroes
Of argonauts
And the golden fleece
And he thought that some day
He would write a book
About himself
A book where he would
Work in the kitchen.

Consider these:

~ the golden sands
~ the days of his captivity
~ A book where he would / Work in the kitchen

Let us know what you decide.

In the poem "Ambition" by Des Walsh, the following poetic devices can be identified:

1. Metaphor: The line "Of argonauts And the golden fleece" compares Marcus's dreams and aspirations to the legendary argonauts and their quest for the golden fleece. This metaphor suggests that Marcus's ambition is grand and significant, just like the legends he admires.

2. Personification: The line "Sat all day Hoping for food Outside a kitchen door" personifies the kitchen door by suggesting that it has the ability to provide food. This personification adds depth and emotion to the imagery, highlighting Marcus's desperate situation and his longing for sustenance.

Overall, these poetic devices enhance the vividness and emotional impact of the poem.

To find poetic devices in a poem, you need to closely analyze the language and imagery used and identify any figures of speech or literary techniques employed by the poet. Let's examine the poem "Ambition" by Des Walsh to identify some poetic devices:

1. Metaphor: A metaphor involves comparing two unrelated things by stating that one thing is the other. In this poem, the line "he thought that someday he would write a book about himself" creates a metaphor comparing Marcus's life to a book. It suggests that Marcus has a story to tell.

2. Allusion: Allusion is a literary technique where the author refers to a well-known person, place, event, or literary work. In this poem, the mention of "tales of gods and heroes, of argonauts and the golden fleece" alludes to ancient Greek mythology. It adds depth and cultural reference to the poem.

3. Imagery: Imagery refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language to create mental pictures in the reader's mind. In this poem, the line "Of the golden sands where he used to walk before the days of his captivity" paints a vivid image of Marcus's lost freedom and the contrast between his current situation and his past.

4. Personification: Personification involves attributing human qualities or actions to non-human entities. While this poem does not heavily employ personification, the line "Sat all day hoping for food outside a kitchen door" slightly personifies the kitchen door, suggesting that it has the power to grant or withhold Marcus's needs.

Overall, the poem "Ambition" by Des Walsh incorporates metaphors, allusion, imagery, and hints of personification to convey the speaker's aspirations and past experiences. Remember, when analyzing a poem for poetic devices, it is essential to consider the context and subjective interpretation as well.