The Mongols have a terrible reputation in history as pillagers who destroyed all that met their path. How does this depiction of the Mongols compare with the same people who brought the Pax Mongolia?

i don't understand what this question is asking me to write about..

arent the mongols the ones who brought the pax mongolia. help!

The Mongols were greatly feared by those people who fought against them. At the same time, the Mongols brought peace to a large area. Your teacher wants you to contrast these two aspects of the Mongols.

Read these site carefully for the details

oh like write about how they conquered but also how they brought peace..?

Yes. Go into details about their brutal methods of conquering people and their efficiency of bring about peace.

Yes, you are correct. The Mongols are indeed known for their brutal conquests and ruthless pillaging throughout history. However, they are also credited with establishing a period of relative peace and stability known as the Pax Mongolia or Pax Mongolica.

To answer your question, you can compare the depiction of the Mongols as pillagers with their role in bringing the Pax Mongolia. Here's how you can approach this topic:

1. Historical Context: Provide a brief background on the Mongol Empire and its rise to power. Explain how their conquests were marked by devastation and destruction, earning them the reputation as ferocious warriors and pillagers.

2. Pillaging and Destruction: Discuss the evidence and accounts that depict the Mongols as pillagers who left a trail of destruction in their wake. Highlight specific incidents, such as the sacking of cities like Baghdad or the destruction of the Khwarazmian Empire.

3. The Pax Mongolia: Explain the concept of the Pax Mongolia, also known as the Mongol Peace, which refers to a period of relative peace, stability, and economic growth during the Mongol Empire's reign. This period allowed for increased trade, cultural exchange, and the safe travel of merchants across the vast Mongol-controlled territories.

4. The Mongols as Administrators: Describe how the Mongols, despite their reputation as pillagers, also exhibited administrative skills and implemented measures to maintain stability. Talk about their emphasis on law and order, protection of trade routes, and the establishment of a unified legal code across their empire.

5. Impact on Trade and Exchange: Highlight the positive aspects of the Pax Mongolia, such as the facilitation of trade between East and West. Discuss the Mongols' role in promoting cultural exchange, technology transfer, and the spread of ideas along the Silk Road.

6. Contrast with Pillaging Image: Compare the Mongols' reputation as pillagers with their role in introducing the Pax Mongolia. Emphasize that while their conquests were marked by brutality and destruction, the Mongols also fostered a relatively peaceful and prosperous era for trade and cultural interaction.

7. Historical Perspectives: Acknowledge that historical accounts and perceptions of the Mongols can vary. Discuss how different historians and regions may have different interpretations of the Mongol conquests and the impact of the Pax Mongolia.

Remember, this is just a suggested structure. Feel free to modify or expand on these points based on your research.