kendall pitches for his school basebal team.Every game he pit kendall pitches he strikeouts per

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To find out the number of strikeouts Kendall pitches per game, you would need more information. The given sentence seems to be incomplete. Typically, to calculate the number of strikeouts per game, you would need the total number of games Kendall pitched and the total number of strikeouts generated in those games.

Let's assume we have the following information:
- Total number of games Kendall pitched: 10
- Total number of strikeouts in those games: 50

To calculate the average number of strikeouts per game, you would divide the total number of strikeouts by the number of games pitched:

Average strikeouts per game = Total strikeouts / Total games

In this case: Average strikeouts per game = 50 / 10 = 5

Therefore, Kendall pitches an average of 5 strikeouts per game.