how do I figure out how to write an equation (and solve the problem) for algorithm?

To write an equation and solve a problem using an algorithm, you will typically follow these steps:

1. Understand the problem: Read and comprehend the problem statement. Identify the known information, unknowns, and the relationships between them.

2. Define your variables: Assign variables to represent the unknown quantities in the problem. It is often helpful to name them based on the problem context.

3. Translate the problem into an equation: Use your understanding of the problem to construct an equation that represents the relationships between the known and unknown quantities. You can use standard mathematical symbols and operations (+, -, ×, ÷, =) to express these relationships.

4. Simplify the equation: If necessary, simplify the equation by combining like terms or applying mathematical properties.

5. Solve the equation: Solve the equation for the unknown variable. This may involve isolating the variable on one side of the equation or applying algebraic operations to simplify the equation further.

6. Check the solution: Substitute the value of the unknown variable back into the original equation to confirm if it satisfies all the given conditions of the problem.

7. Provide the answer: State the solution to the problem, including the value of the unknown variable and any relevant units or context.

Remember, not all problems can be solved using a single equation. Some problems may require multiple equations or even a system of equations to be solved. In those cases, you will need to form multiple equations based on the given information and then solve them simultaneously to find the solution.

Practicing problem-solving techniques and understanding mathematical concepts will help you become more proficient in writing equations and solving problems using algorithms.