First paragraph. I changed my satire topic yet again. I figured I didn't really know enough about crude oil prices and opec to criticize it well enough to be effective...

So, I'm trying to persuade high school students to enjoy life without the worry of bills and such...

My last four years of high school I couldn’t wait to break free from the invisible, binding bars of “not being 18.” I was ready to experience life without a curfew, rules, or chores. I dreamt of my own apartment, accommodating parties as frequently as possible. I was ready to be on my own. I was ready to be free. I was ready to begin my life.

what elements should I make sarcastic and funny?

I thought about discussing a money tree in the back yard...
or talking about my hopes of both the dishes and laundry washing themselves...

To incorporate sarcasm and humor into your topic of persuading high school students to enjoy life without the worry of bills and responsibilities, you can focus on exaggerating and satirizing the unrealistic aspects of this ideal scenario. Here are some suggestions:

1. Money tree in the backyard:
Discuss the concept of a miraculous money tree that magically grows cash instead of leaves. Emphasize the absurdity of this idea by describing how convenient it would be to simply pluck money off the branches whenever you needed it, without any financial worries or the need for a job.

Example: "Imagine a world where instead of struggling to pay the bills, you could just stroll into your backyard and pick crisp hundred-dollar bills off your very own money tree. Forget earning money through hard work and responsibility – simply become a skilled harvester and watch your financial worries wither away, one dollar bill at a time."

2. Self-cleaning dishes and laundry:
Create a humorous scenario by describing your yearning for perfectly clean dishes and laundry that magically wash and fold themselves. Emphasize the contrast between the desire for a carefree lifestyle and the reality of mundane tasks, like doing chores, that come with adulthood.

Example: "No more scalding your hands in hot, soapy water or spending countless hours sorting and folding laundry! In this utopian world of no responsibilities, your dirty dishes would magically disappear, leaving your sink always sparkling clean. And forget about doing laundry; your clothes would effortlessly wash, dry, and neatly fold themselves, ensuring that you never again experience the seemingly endless cycle of never-ending hampers."

Remember, satire works best when it exaggerates the absurd and pokes fun at unrealistic ideas. By using wit and satire, you can effectively convey your message to high school students in an engaging and entertaining manner.