2-5 Grade Determination is says " Write a program that will input three test scores. the program should determine and display their average. the program should then display the appropriate letter grade based on there average. the letter grade should be determined using a 10 point scale (a=90-100)(b=80-89.999)(c=70-79.999),etc.

In what language do you program, and could you post where you have a problem?

To write a program that determines the average of three test scores and displays the appropriate letter grade based on that average, you can follow these steps:

1. Input the three test scores from the user. You can use input() function in Python to get the test scores as user inputs. For example:
score1 = float(input("Enter the first test score: "))
score2 = float(input("Enter the second test score: "))
score3 = float(input("Enter the third test score: "))

2. Calculate the average of the three test scores. You can add up the three scores and then divide the sum by 3. For example:
average = (score1 + score2 + score3) / 3

3. Determine the letter grade based on the average score. You can use conditional statements (if, elif, else) to check the range of the average score and assign the appropriate letter grade. Here's an example:
if average >= 90:
letter_grade = "A"
elif average >= 80:
letter_grade = "B"
elif average >= 70:
letter_grade = "C"
elif average >= 60:
letter_grade = "D"
letter_grade = "F"

4. Display the average and the corresponding letter grade to the user. You can use the print() function to achieve this. For example:
print("The average score is:", average)
print("The letter grade is:", letter_grade)

That's it! By following these steps, you can create a program that takes three test scores, calculates their average, and determines the letter grade based on that average using a 10-point scale.