
Find your least common denominator and convert all the fractions before you start to solve the equation. (LCD = 24

x/8 = 3x/24
1/6 = 4/24
6 = 144/24

Now the equation looks like this:
x/8 - 4/24 = 144/24

Let's work to get x on one side, so add 4/24 to each side:
3x/24 = 144/24 + 4/24
3x/24 = 148/24

Now since 24 is a denominator, we can multiply by 24 (whole number is always over 1 = 24/1) This will get the 24 canceled out on each side. (Remember whatever you do to one side, you must do to the other side.)

3x = 148

Now you can solve for x by getting x on a side by itself, so divide the 3 out on each side

3x/3 = 148/3
x = 148/3

x = 49 1/3 or 49.333. . .

Check your work and plug x back into your equation and solve to see if the left side = 6 on the right side.

49.333/8 - 1/6 = 6

or 49 1/3/8 - 1/6 = 6

OR--I would find it easier to stay with the decimals at this point just to make it easier to check the work: 1/6 = 0.1666 (divide the numerator by the denominator to get a decimal)

49.333/8 - 0.1666 = 6

Divide the 49.333 by 8 = 6.1666

Equation now looks like this:

6.1666 - 0.1666 = 6

I hope that is helpful!

Therefore x = 49 1/3 if fraction answer required, OR 49.333 if decimal is acceptable answer form.