Evaluate the indefinite integral of


I got ((1-2x)/(2x^2))+3*ln(2-x)-4*ln(x)+c
but apparently that's not the answer... and I don't know why.

See here:


To evaluate the indefinite integral of the given rational function, we can start by simplifying the expression and then proceed with integration.

Let's simplify the rational function first:

∫ ln(-x^3+9x^2-3x+2) / (x^4-2x^3) dx

Rewriting the denominator:

x^4 - 2x^3 = x^3(x - 2)

Now, we can express the rational function in partial fraction decomposition form:

ln(-x^3+9x^2-3x+2) / (x^3(x - 2))

= A / x + B / x^2 + C / x^3 + D / (x - 2)

To find the values of A, B, C, and D, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the common denominator and equating the numerators:

ln(-x^3+9x^2-3x+2) = A(x^2)(x - 2) + B(x)(x - 2) + C(x - 2) + D(x^3)

To determine A, let's consider the limit as x approaches 0:

ln(2) = -2A

Therefore, A = -ln(2)/2

To determine B, let's consider the limit as x approaches 0 again:

ln(2) = -2B

Therefore, B = -ln(2)/2

To determine C, let's consider the limit as x approaches 0 a third time:

ln(2) = -2C

Therefore, C = -ln(2)/2

To determine D, let's consider the limit as x approaches 2 this time:

ln(2) = 4D

Therefore, D = ln(2)/4

Now that we have the values of A, B, C, and D, we can rewrite the rational function:

ln(-x^3+9x^2-3x+2) / (x^4-2x^3) = (-ln(2)/2) / x + (-ln(2)/2) / x^2 + (-ln(2)/2) / x^3 + (ln(2)/4) / (x - 2)

Now, we can integrate each term separately:

∫ (-ln(2)/2) / x dx = -ln(2)/2 * ln(x) + C1

∫ (-ln(2)/2) / x^2 dx = -ln(2)/2 * (-1/x) + C2 = ln(2)/2x + C2

∫ (-ln(2)/2) / x^3 dx = -ln(2)/2 * (-1/(2x^2)) + C3 = ln(2)/4x^2 + C3

∫ (ln(2)/4) / (x - 2) dx = (ln(2)/4) * ln|(x - 2)| + C4

Therefore, the indefinite integral of the given rational function is:

-ln(2)/2 * ln(x) + ln(2)/2x + ln(2)/4x^2 + (ln(2)/4) * ln|(x - 2)| + C

It appears that your approach was correct, and you should have arrived at this answer. Double-check your calculations and make sure you didn't make any calculation errors.