what tools do we use to measure mass what units do we use when measuring

To measure mass, we typically use a few tools depending on the accuracy required. Here are some commonly used tools:

1. Balance Scale: A balance scale compares the mass of an object to standardized masses. It has two pans, and you add weights to one side and the object to the other until they are balanced.

2. Digital Scale: A digital scale measures the weight of an object by the force of gravity acting on it. It displays the result in a digital format, often in grams or kilograms.

3. Mechanical Scale: A mechanical scale uses mechanical mechanisms to measure mass. It may have a spring or a lever system to determine the weight of an object.

When measuring mass, we use the metric system, specifically the International System of Units (SI). The standard unit of mass is the kilogram (kg). In addition to the kilogram, smaller units like grams (g) and larger units like metric tons (t) are commonly used.

For everyday objects, you may use grams or kilograms, while for larger objects or quantities, metric tons are often used. It is important to use appropriate units to ensure accurate measurements and consistency in scientific and everyday applications.

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