• 2. Construct a data dictionary and draw a hierarchy chart and flowchart or pseudocode for a program to calculate commissions. Output. Output is the commission report shown in the spacing chart that follows. At most, 50 detail lines are to appear on each page. Include page numbers and the current date on each page.

Layout Chart
Input. Input consists of records containing the salesperson’s name, commission code, and amount of sales. The code has been validated in a previous program and will contain a number between 1 and 10. Processing. The commission is calculated by multiplying the amount of sales from the input by the commission rate. The commission rate is contained in a positionally organized, compile-time array as shown below.

Only the commission rate is included, not the codes. The row in the array corresponds to the code entered by the user. If, for example, a code of 5 is entered, the rate, .50, in the fifth row of the array is used.


Here's hoping one of these tutorials will help you learn what you need to do.

To construct a data dictionary, you need to identify the data items involved in the program and describe their characteristics, such as data type, length, and purpose. Based on the information provided, the data dictionary for the program to calculate commissions could include the following entries:

1. Salesperson's Name:
- Data Type: String
- Length: Variable
- Description: Stores the name of the salesperson.

2. Commission Code:
- Data Type: Integer
- Length: 1
- Description: Stores the commission code entered by the user.

3. Amount of Sales:
- Data Type: Floating-point
- Length: Variable
- Description: Stores the amount of sales made by the salesperson.

4. Commission Rate Array:
- Data Type: Floating-point Array
- Length: 10
- Description: Stores the commission rates corresponding to each code. The index of the array corresponds to the code entered by the user.

Next, we can draw a hierarchy chart to illustrate the program's structure and the relationships between different modules:

1. Main Module:
- Control flow of the program
- Call Input Module
- Call Process Module
- Call Output Module

2. Input Module:
- Responsible for collecting input data from the user
- Prompt for salesperson's name, commission code, and amount of sales
- Validate the commission code

3. Process Module:
- Calculate the commission by multiplying the amount of sales with the commission rate from the array based on the commission code

4. Output Module:
- Display the commission report in a formatted manner
- Include page numbers and the current date on each page
- Display at most 50 detail lines per page

Lastly, we can create a flowchart or pseudocode to outline the steps involved in the program:

1. Prompt for salesperson's name, commission code, and amount of sales
2. Validate the commission code (check if it's between 1 and 10)
3. Calculate the commission by multiplying the amount of sales with the commission rate from the array based on the commission code
4. Format and display the commission report
5. If there are more detail lines, go to the next page and display page numbers and the current date
6. Repeat steps 1-5 until all records are processed

This flowchart or pseudocode provides a high-level overview of the program's logic and can be further expanded with details if needed.