use the distributive prperty to rewrite the expression without parentheses.

1. (-2a)(a+7)
2. (-3x)(-x^2+2)
3. (2x + 11)(5x)
4. (-2-3y)(-7y^2
5. (t-4)(-2)
6. (x)(x-5)

Again, 1. -2a^2 - 14a

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To use the distributive property and rewrite expressions without parentheses, you need to distribute each term in the parentheses to every term outside of it. Here's how you can rewrite each expression without parentheses:

1. (-2a)(a + 7) = -2a * a + (-2a * 7) = -2a^2 - 14a

2. (-3x)(-x^2 + 2) = (-3x * -x^2) + (-3x * 2) = 3x^3 - 6x

3. (2x + 11)(5x) = (2x * 5x) + (11 * 5x) = 10x^2 + 55x

4. (-2 - 3y)(-7y^2) = (-2 * -7y^2) + (-3y * -7y^2) = 14y^2 + 21y^3

5. (t - 4)(-2) = (t * -2) + (-4 * -2) = -2t + 8

6. (x)(x - 5) = x^2 - 5x

By applying the distributive property, each expression is rewritten without parentheses.