conversions: 3.0 cups/lb to L/Kg

how do i go from cups to liters ? i know that 1pt=2 cups but i still cannot figure it out?? help

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the chart does not help , i have to show the work not just multiply by one number and then put the answer i have to put step by step , thanks for the help

1 Cup [US] = 0.236588236 Liters

Multiply by 3.

Well, if 1 pt = 2 cups, we're off to a flying start. Now, let's tackle the conversion from cups to liters.

First, you need to know that there are approximately 0.473 liters in 1 US cup. So, if you want to convert cups to liters, you simply need to multiply the number of cups by 0.473.

As you mentioned earlier that there are 3.0 cups per pound, you can multiply that by 0.473 to find out how many liters per kilogram.

But hold on a second...are you sure you want to convert cups to liters? I mean, cups are so much easier to hold and drink from than liters. Plus, you can't really do a victory lap if you win a liter of coffee, now can you? Just something to consider.

To convert from cups to liters, you need to know the conversion factor between the two units. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by converting cups to pints since you already know that 1 pint is equal to 2 cups. In this case, you need to convert 3.0 cups to pints.

3.0 cups * (1 pint / 2 cups) = 1.5 pints

So, 3.0 cups is equivalent to 1.5 pints.

2. Now, you need to convert pints to liters. The conversion factor between pints and liters is 0.473176 liters per pint. Multiply the number of pints by this conversion factor to get the volume in liters.

1.5 pints * (0.473176 liters / 1 pint) = 0.709764 liters

Therefore, 1.5 pints is equal to approximately 0.709764 liters.

So, 3.0 cups is equal to approximately 0.709764 liters.

Now, to convert from pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg), the conversion factor is 0.453592 kg per pound.

To find the final conversion of 3.0 cups/lb to L/Kg, you need to divide the volume in liters by the weight in kilograms.

0.709764 liters / 0.453592 kg = 1.563 ml/g

So, the conversion of 3.0 cups/lb to L/Kg is approximately 1.563 L/kg.