find the product or quotient . write the strategy you used . write model,break apart, multiplication table ,inverse operations pattern ,or doubles 56 divided by 7

56 divided by 7 in break apart form

To find the quotient of 56 divided by 7, we can use several strategies. One of the most straightforward methods is the "division" strategy, where we repeatedly subtract the divisor (7) from the dividend (56) until the dividend becomes zero or smaller than the divisor.

Here's the step-by-step process using the division strategy:

1. Start with the dividend, which is 56.
2. Divide the dividend by the divisor, 7. Since 56 is greater than 7, we can divide it evenly without any remainder.
3. Subtract 7 from 56: 56 - 7 = 49.
4. Since the result is still greater than 7, we can repeat the process.
5. Divide 49 by 7: 49 ÷ 7 = 7.
6. The result is 7. As the dividend has become 0, we have reached the end of the division process.
7. The quotient is the value we obtained in each step, which is 7.

So, 56 divided by 7 equals 7, and we used the division strategy to find the quotient.