After the teacher collected our essays, she told the students that she would return

the graded papers on Wednesday.

a. Correct

b. Shift in person

My friend and I say it is a shift in person since it says OUR and then shifts it to students.

are we correcT?

Holidays are important to everyone. They boost your spirits.

a. Correct

b. Shift in person

Is B correcT? Since Everyone is singular?

Jerry and (she, her) wouldn't believe any of my stories.

a. she

b. her

I think it is HER but then SHE sounds right too :(

Regarding the first question, "After the teacher collected our essays, she told the students that she would return the graded papers on Wednesday," you are correct. This sentence does contain a shift in person. It starts with "our" (indicating the essays belong to the speaker and others) but then shifts to "students" (referring to the students as a separate group).

For the second question, "Holidays are important to everyone. They boost your spirits," Option A is correct. There is no shift in person in this sentence. The use of "everyone" as a singular pronoun is acceptable in this context.

Regarding the third question, "Jerry and (she, her) wouldn't believe any of my stories," the correct pronoun to choose is "she." When referring to someone as a subject in the sentence, use the subjective form of the pronoun, which is "she." Therefore, the correct sentence is: "Jerry and she wouldn't believe any of my stories."

For the first question, you are correct. The sentence does show a shift in person from "our" to "students." So, option b. Shift in person is the correct answer.

For the second question, you are also correct. The word "everyone" is singular, so the pronoun "your" should be changed to "their." Therefore, option b. Shift in person is the correct answer again.

For the last question, the correct answer is "her." The pronoun should match the object in the sentence, which is Jerry and her. So, option b. her is the correct answer.

Great job on your analysis!