From a 1M Tris solution, how is a 400ml of 0.2 M Tris prepared? I have no idea where to start

To prepare a 400 ml solution of 0.2 M Tris from a stock solution of 1 M Tris, you will need to follow a series of steps. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Determine the final volume of the solution.
In this case, you want to prepare a 400 ml solution of Tris.

Step 2: Calculate the amount of Tris required.
To calculate the amount of Tris needed, you can use the formula:

C1V1 = C2V2

C1 = concentration of the stock solution (1 M)
V1 = volume of the stock solution needed (unknown)
C2 = desired concentration of the final solution (0.2 M)
V2 = desired volume of the final solution (400 ml)

Rearranging the formula to solve for V1, you get:

V1 = (C2 * V2) / C1

Substituting the given values, you get:

V1 = (0.2 M * 400 ml) / 1 M
V1 = 80 ml

So, you will need 80 ml of the 1 M Tris stock solution.

Step 3: Calculate the amount of solvent (water) required.
Since you have the volume of the stock solution (80 ml), you can calculate the amount of solvent needed to dilute the stock solution to the desired volume of 400 ml:

Volume of solvent = desired volume - volume of stock solution
Volume of solvent = 400 ml - 80 ml
Volume of solvent = 320 ml

You will need 320 ml of solvent (usually distilled water) to dilute the stock solution.

Step 4: Prepare the solution.
Measure 80 ml of the 1 M Tris stock solution and transfer it to a container. Then, add 320 ml of distilled water to the same container. Mix the solution thoroughly to ensure proper mixing and dilution.

After these steps, you will have prepared a 400 ml solution of 0.2 M Tris from the 1 M Tris stock solution.