What themes were predominant in the writings of the 1600s for Native Americans?

Native Americans did not have any literature in the 1600s, but they did have oral traditions and stories which had a few main themes. Some of these stories were moral lessons (not quite sure that is a theme or not), while other stories held wisdom, teaching you to do the right things.

That's fine. But you forgot the creation myths. They were trying to make sense of a confusing universe.

thank you :)

You're welcome.

To learn about the themes that were predominant in the writings of Native Americans in the 1600s, we need to rely on their oral traditions and stories that have been passed down through generations. Since Native Americans did not have a written literature during that time, the themes we can identify are based on these oral traditions.

The oral traditions of Native Americans were deeply rooted in cultural and spiritual values. Some of the main themes that can be found in their stories include:

1. Connection to Nature: Native American stories often emphasize the deep connection between humans and the natural world. They highlight the importance of living in harmony with nature and respecting the environment.

2. Spirituality and Beliefs: Many Native American stories revolve around spiritual beliefs, such as the presence of spirits, ancestors, and supernatural beings. These stories often explore concepts of creation, the afterlife, and the spiritual realms.

3. Cultural Identity and Heritage: Native American stories often reflect their unique cultural identity and heritage. They convey the importance of preserving traditions, passing down ancestral knowledge, and maintaining their cultural practices.

4. Respect for Elders and Ancestors: Native American stories emphasize the reverence for elders and ancestors. They teach the importance of listening to the wisdom of previous generations and honoring the collective knowledge of the community.

5. Life Lessons and Morality: While not necessarily a theme, many Native American stories were intended to teach moral lessons and guide individuals to live virtuous lives. These stories often feature animals or mythical characters in allegorical situations that illustrate the consequences of different actions.

It is important to note that the themes present in Native American oral traditions varied across different tribes and regions. Each tribe had its own unique stories and traditions that reflected their specific cultural practices and beliefs.