The sentence "P → Q" is read as (3)

P or Q
P and Q
If P then Q
Q if and only P

2. In the truth table for an invalid argument, (2)
on at least one row, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is true.
on at least one row, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is false.
on all the rows where the premises are all true, the conclusion is true.
on most of the rows, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is true.

3. Truth tables can (1 0R 2)
display all the possible truth values involved with a set of sentences.
determine what scientific claims are true.
determine if inductive arguments are strong.
determine if inductive arguments are weak.

4. Truth tables can determine which of the following? (1)
If an argument is valid
If an argument is sound
If a sentence is valid
All of the above

5. If P is false, and Q is false, the truth-value of "P ↔Q" is (1)
Cannot be determined.
All of the above.

6. What is the truth value of the sentence "P v ~ P"? (Points : 1)
Cannot be determined
Not a sentence

7. If P is true, and Q is false, the truth-value of "P v Q" is (1)
Cannot be determined
All of the above

8. The sentence "P ↔ Q" is best read as
If P then Q
If Q then P
P or Q
P if and only if Q

9. What is the truth value of the sentence "P & ~ P"? (3)
Cannot be determined
Not a sentence

10. In the conditional "P →Q," "P" is a (3)
sufficient condition for Q.
sufficient condition for P.
necessary condition for P.
necessary condition for Q.

Can someone check my answers please? Thx

1. The sentence "P → Q" is read as


2.In the truth table for an invalid argument,
CORRECT on at least one row, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is false.

Julie and Kurt get married and had a body'' is best symbolized as

1. The sentence "P → Q" is read as "If P then Q". This means that Q is the result or consequence of P being true. It does not necessarily mean that if Q is true, then P must also be true. It just establishes a conditional relationship between P and Q.

2. In the truth table for an invalid argument, on at least one row, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is false. This means that there exists a combination of truth values for the premises where they are all true, but the conclusion is false. This makes the argument invalid because the premises do not guarantee the truth of the conclusion.

3. Truth tables can display all the possible truth values involved with a set of sentences. This means that truth tables can show the different combinations of truth values for the sentences and determine their overall truth value. They do not determine scientific claims or the strength of inductive arguments.

4. Truth tables can determine if an argument is valid, if an argument is sound, or if a sentence is valid. By analyzing the truth values in the truth table, we can determine if the argument is valid (if the conclusion is always true when all the premises are true), if the argument is sound (if it is valid and has all true premises), or if a sentence is valid (if its truth value is always true).

5. If P is false and Q is false, the truth-value of "P ↔ Q" is true. The biconditional "P ↔ Q" is true only when P and Q have the same truth value. In this case, both P and Q are false, so the biconditional is true.

6. The truth value of the sentence "P v ~ P" is true. This sentence is a tautology, meaning it is always true regardless of the truth value of P. The statement "P v ~ P" represents the logical principle of the Law of Excluded Middle, which states that for any sentence P, either P is true or its negation (~P) is true. Therefore, the truth value of "P v ~ P" is always true.

7. If P is true and Q is false, the truth-value of "P v Q" is true. The disjunction "P v Q" is true if at least one of the operands P or Q is true. In this case, P is true, so the disjunction is true.

8. The sentence "P ↔ Q" is best read as "P if and only if Q". This means that P is true if and only if Q is true, and vice versa. It establishes a biconditional relationship between P and Q, indicating that they have the same truth value.

9. The truth value of the sentence "P & ~ P" is false. This sentence represents a contradiction, meaning it is always false regardless of the truth value of P. The statement "P & ~ P" represents the logical principle of Contradiction, which states that a sentence and its negation cannot both be true. Therefore, the truth value of "P & ~ P" is always false.

10. In the conditional "P → Q," "P" is a necessary condition for Q. This means that if P does not hold true, then Q cannot be true. P is a condition that must be satisfied for Q to be true, but it is not sufficient on its own. There might be other conditions or factors necessary for Q to be true.