(-2x^2y)^3 * (5xy^3)^2

What is ^ and * suppose to symbolize?


(-2x^2y)^3 * (5xy^3)^2

Sorry, I do not recall how to do this. I don't want to misguide you.

First remove the parentheses by cubing the first term and squaring the second.
(-8x^6y^3)*(25x^2y^6)= can you take it from here.

To simplify the expression (-2x^2y)^3 * (5xy^3)^2, you need to apply the rules of exponents and basic multiplication.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the first term by cubing (-2x^2y):
(-2x^2y)^3 = -2^3 * (x^2)^3 * y^3
= -8x^(2*3) * y^3
= -8x^6y^3

Step 2: Simplify the second term by squaring (5xy^3):
(5xy^3)^2 = 5^2 * (x)^2 * (y^3)^2
= 25x^2 * y^(3*2)
= 25x^2 * y^6

Step 3: Multiply the simplified terms:
(-8x^6y^3) * (25x^2y^6) = -8 * 25 * (x^6 * x^2) * (y^3 * y^6)
= -200x^(6+2) * y^(3+6)
= -200x^8 * y^9

In conclusion, the simplified expression is -200x^8 * y^9.