One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy

A. uses supernatuarl elements

B. usually features an extraodinary hero.

C.makes us laugh at ourselves,not others.

D. uses metaphors and analogy to make its point


Tragedy- the fall of a tragic hero

Comedy- funny based on words

Comedy in the traditional sense (ancient Greece and Rome; Shakespeare) is not "funny" in our modern-day understanding.

Notice that in Shakespeare's tragedies, just about everyone dies by the end of each play. In his comedies, however, that doesn't happen.
Read that first paragraph VERY CAREFULLY.

To identify the difference between tragedy and comedy, we need to examine the characteristics of both genres. Tragedy and comedy are two distinct forms of drama or storytelling that evoke different emotions and have specific features. Let's go through each option to determine which one represents a difference between tragedy and comedy.

A. Tragedy uses supernatural elements: This option does not accurately represent a difference between tragedy and comedy. Both tragedy and comedy can incorporate supernatural elements, although tragedy often involves elements of fate, destiny, or divine intervention.

B. Tragedy usually features an extraordinary hero: This option is incorrect. Tragedy does often feature a protagonist who may be extraordinary or possess heroic qualities, but this is not exclusive to tragedy. Comedy can also have characters with extraordinary or heroic traits.

C. Tragedy makes us laugh at ourselves, not others: This option is incorrect. The statement confuses tragedy with comedy. In comedy, the aim is to make the audience laugh, often by highlighting humorous situations or mocking others. Tragedy, on the other hand, elicits emotions such as sadness, pity, and fear rather than laughter.

D. Tragedy uses metaphors and analogy to make its point: This option is incorrect. While both tragedy and comedy can use metaphors and analogies, this does not represent a fundamental difference between the two genres.

Therefore, the correct answer is none of the given options. One key difference between tragedy and comedy is the emotions they evoke: tragedy aims to evoke feelings of sadness, pity, and fear, while comedy seeks to elicit laughter and amusement.