I have to get my coding pratice checked by somebody.

To get your coding practice checked by somebody, there are a few different options you can consider:

1. Peer Review: Ask a friend, classmate, or colleague who has experience with coding to review your code. Share your code with them and ask for their feedback or suggestions for improvement. You can do this in person or using online platforms like GitHub, where you can share your code repository and ask for reviews from the community.

2. Online Coding Communities: There are several online communities specifically designed for code review. Platforms like Stack Overflow or programmers' forums like Reddit's r/learnprogramming are great places to post your code and ask for feedback. Be sure to provide clear explanations of what you are trying to achieve and any specific areas you want reviewed.

3. Coding Meetups or Workshops: Look for local coding meetups or workshops in your area where you can network with other developers. Attend these events and present your code for review to get input from experienced developers. You can receive advice, suggestions, and learn best practices from seasoned professionals.

4. Online Coding Courses and Bootcamps: If you're enrolled in an online coding course or bootcamp, they often have a built-in system to get your code reviewed by instructors or teaching assistants. Take advantage of this feature to receive personalized feedback on your coding practice.

Remember, when seeking feedback, it's important to clearly express what you're looking for in terms of specific areas or aspects of your code. This will help the person reviewing your code provide more targeted and useful feedback.