The current classification system used by biologists is: A)Complex and unchanging.

b)universally accepted by all biologists
c)based on four generalized types of living organism: the bacteria, archaea, eukarya and protista
d) updated and revised whenever new information becomes available.

I'm torn between choice A and D. Please help thanks.

D) updated and revised whenever new information becomes available.

The correct answer is D) updated and revised whenever new information becomes available. The classification system used by biologists is not complex and unchanging (option A) but rather dynamic and subject to change as new discoveries and information about organisms are made. The classification system is not universally accepted by all biologists (option B) because scientists may have different perspectives and interpretations. The current classification system is based on three domains of organisms: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, and does not include "protista" as a separate domain (option C). Therefore, option D is the most accurate answer.

To determine the correct answer, we need to carefully analyze the options provided and evaluate the current classification system used by biologists.

Let's break down each option:

A) Complex and unchanging: This option suggests that the current classification system is complex and remains unchanged over time. While the field of taxonomy has traditionally been complex, it is not accurate to say that the classification system is unchanging. The classification system is constantly evolving and being updated as new information and scientific discoveries are made. Therefore, Option A is not the correct answer.

D) Updated and revised whenever new information becomes available: This option implies that the classification system is regularly updated and revised as new information becomes available. This statement aligns with the reality of the scientific process where taxonomy and classification are continuously refined as scientists make new discoveries and gain a better understanding of organisms. Therefore, option D is a more accurate representation of the current classification system.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is D) updated and revised whenever new information becomes available.