In hamlet how do the first two lines indicate that something is amiss?

BERNARDO: Who's there?

FRANCISCO: Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.

Two soldiers who know each other have no trust. One asks who is coming? The other refuses and says Stand up and let me see who you are!

Something is definitely amiss when there's this much distrust!


thanks you rock Writeacher !

Thank you for your kind words! In the opening lines of Hamlet, the characters Bernardo and Francisco are on guard duty in the dead of night. The first line, "Who's there?" uttered by Bernardo, indicates that there is a sense of uncertainty and suspicion. This question suggests that they are not expecting anyone and are wary of an unexpected visitor.

In response to Bernardo's question, Francisco replies with, "Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself." This line further emphasizes the unease and mistrust between the two soldiers. Instead of simply answering Bernardo's question, Francisco demands that the person identify themselves by standing up and revealing their true identity.

The fact that there is such a level of distrust and suspicion between two soldiers who should know each other well indicates that something amiss is happening. These opening lines set the stage for the atmosphere of tension and mystery that pervades the play.